Full Cast And Crew Reviews

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on 8/6/2023 Thoughtful, Smart, Informative

Where other film podcasts tend to lean on snark, this one is unabashedly thoughtful, sensitive, and insightful. Jason Cilo is an engaging host with a soothing—though never sleep—delivery.
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on 5/28/2021 Robot

I still have my robot that’s in the picture.
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on 2/4/2021 Where is Aronofsky?

New to the Pod and have enjoyed it very much. Learned much about some of my favorites while being greatly entertained. The tail end segment I find the most joyful. Latchkey is a brilliant idea. It makes you remember your own while observing the guests feelings about shows I have no history with. I’m a Leave it to Beaver generation guy. One complaint; I know you cannot possibly get around to covering all tastes but ... I hope Darren Aronofsky is not “chopped liver” to your sensibilities. The Fountain is one of my touchstones. Also somewhat shocked that you can talk about imagining Matt Dillon as a star of westerns and not make a Gunsmoke quip.
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on 7/28/2020 Great convos on movie opinions

The title of my post says it all. These are ppl just enjoying films, and reminiscing at the same time. I thoroughly enjoy this.
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on 8/15/2019 Lee Wilkof

What a great show! Fascinating story of what it’s like to make a living as an actor! Keep up the good work.
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on 12/1/2018 Pod-Tastic!

These guys are great! Highly recommended!
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on 11/21/2018 Entertaining

Ha! These guys are funny and they complement each other well making it easy to listen to. Good summaries of the movies with thoughtful analysis and discussion. I enjoy it!
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on 11/16/2018 Makes me want to see more movies!

The hosts are really smart and informative. They have a lot of insight and cool stories. Makes me want to see the movies they talk about and more!
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on 11/9/2018 Funny & Thoughtful

If you loves movies, BTS trivia and laughing, this podcast is for you. Highly reccomended. Your ears deserve it.
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on 11/9/2018 Not funny ha ha

More like funny pppffft..he..he...good one..
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on 10/9/2018 It's funny and informative!

Look, totally unbiased here but these guys are great! It's more than a podcast about movies, it veers wildly and unpredictably into all kinds of topics and digressions...and it's always loose and easy to listen too. FULL DISCLOSURE ok ok I'm one of the hosts and I'm embarassed I posted this but if you don't love your own work who will love it for you? (ed. note: the OTHER host of this hilarious podcast in no way condones this shameless attempt at self-promotion. Not gonna reveal who I am (the host with mores and morals, that is) but my name rhymes with "SHASON" and the shameless host's name rhymes with 'CHRIS').
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