100. Jonah Hill As Jerry Garcia

Show Notes

News broke yesterday that Jonah Hill would play Grateful Dead leader Jerry Garcia in some form of scripted series on Apple, to be directed and/or produced by Martin Scorcese.

While Marty's rock credentials speak for themselves...his rock credentials also speak for themselves, namely: his bizarre choice to add people like Sharon Stone to the refurbished footage from Dylan's legendary Thunder Road Review tour pretending as if they were there...bad choice that ruined an otherwise worthwhile venture.

Nothing against judicious use of Jonah Hill in anything....just not this role!

So I briefly provide some essential background to Garcia and the band, and then run through some OTHER choices to play Jerry that would work; some insane and weird (Keanu??) and some pretty compelling, if still weird (Adam Driver?) before settling on my own personal and informed choice as the best possible actor to portray Jerry Garcia...and you'll have to listen to find out who that surprising choice is!

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